Annotations for Params#
You can document the parameters of your queries by annotations.
class Articles < AC::Base
base "/articles"
def all_articles(
@[AC::Param::Info(description: "Filter by tag:", example: "AngularJS", required: false)]
tag : String?,
@[AC::Param::Info(description: "Filter by author:", example: "jake", require: false)]
author : String?,
@[AC::Param::Info(description: "Favorited by user:", example: "jake", require: false)]
favorited : String?,
@[AC::Param::Info(description: "Limit number of articles (default is 20):", example: "20", require: false)]
limit : UInt32?,
@[AC::Param::Info(description: "Offset/skip number of articles (default is 0):", example: "0", require: false)]
offset : UInt32?,
@[AC::Param::Info(header: "X-Request-UUID", description: "UUID to use for this request", example: "ba714f86-cac6-42c7-8956-bcf5105e1b81")]
value : UUID? = nil,
You can refer to Parameter OpenAPI Specification