class TensorflowLite::Client


provides a simplified way to load and manipulate the tensorflow interpreter

the indexable module provides simplified access to the input tensors

Included Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : URI | Bytes | Path | Model | String, delegate : Delegate | Nil = nil, threads : Int | Nil = nil, labels : URI | Array(String) | Nil = nil) #

Configures the tensorflow interpreter with the options provided

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def : URI | Bytes | Path | Model | String, delegate : Delegate | Nil = nil, threads : Int | Nil = nil, labels : URI | Array(String) | Nil = nil, &on_error : String -> Nil) #

Configures the tensorflow interpreter with the options provided

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Instance Method Detail

def input_tensor(*args, **options) #

input tensor details for manipulation and loading of input data

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def input_tensor(*args, **options, &) #

input tensor details for manipulation and loading of input data

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def input_tensor_count(*args, **options) #

input tensor details for manipulation and loading of input data

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def input_tensor_count(*args, **options, &) #

input tensor details for manipulation and loading of input data

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def interpreter : Interpreter #

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def invoke(*args, **options) #

run the model, processing the input tensors and updating the output tensors

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def invoke(*args, **options, &) #

run the model, processing the input tensors and updating the output tensors

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def invoke!(*args, **options) #

run the model, processing the input tensors and updating the output tensors

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def invoke!(*args, **options, &) #

run the model, processing the input tensors and updating the output tensors

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def labels #

attempt to extract any labels in the model

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def labels_fetched : Bool #

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def model : Model #

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def model_path : Path | Nil #

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def num_threads(*args, **options) #

This controls the number of CPU threads that the interpreter will use for its computations.

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def num_threads(*args, **options, &) #

This controls the number of CPU threads that the interpreter will use for its computations.

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def on_error(&callback : String -> Nil) #

provide a callback to receive any error messages

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def options : InterpreterOptions #

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def output(index : Int = 0) #

returns the output tensor at the provided index

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def output_tensor(*args, **options) #

output tensors details, used to obtain the results of an invokation

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def output_tensor(*args, **options, &) #

output tensors details, used to obtain the results of an invokation

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def output_tensor_count(*args, **options) #

output tensors details, used to obtain the results of an invokation

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def output_tensor_count(*args, **options, &) #

output tensors details, used to obtain the results of an invokation

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def outputs #

returns an array of output tensors

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def size #

the number of input tensors

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